Sunday, May 3, 2009


As you can see below I had a pretty good weekend, and it all started on Thursday. I got off work an hour early (yippeee) and rushed home to do a little cleaning and organizing. People who know me well know that I am almost OCD with cleaning. I have to have things in their proper places and things must be clean. Friday morning, I woke up and watched a movie with my best friend and after the movie we laid there...
S : " I feel adventerous today. Let's do something different"
J : " Have you ever been to Sedona?"
S : " No."
J : " Let's go!"

And then we went. On the way to Sedona, we stopped at Sunset Point to stretch my long legs out and snap some back in the car and picked up where we left off. We drove up there and just kinda felt our way around. I haven't been up there since I was playing ball for NAU so I was playing the guessing game, but sometimes that is the best way to find your way to new places. So, using the trial and error method we stumbled upon an art gallery that had opened that day. We pulled in and walked around, gasping and snapping photos of the different sculptures that caught our eye. After the gallery, we jumped back into the car and carried on through the little city. Passing Slide Rock, we found a little road off the main road and turned down into, well whatever it was. I parked the car and we got lost in the trees, rocks and beautiful creek that we found. We walked through the rocks, wearing Old Navy flip-flops, climbing boulders, trying not to slip into the freezing cold water. Who knew Arizona had so much green hiding in Sedona. It was gorgeous...the air was cleaner, the trees stood tall and strong, little fish swam in the water, and there was a still and silent personality amongst us. It was a great excape from the big city.

After our little "hike" we went back into town and had dinner at the little hole in the wall place. We were of course the only brown people that sat in the restaurant, and by the way they looked at us, you would think that we were the first people of any color that had ever walked through the door. It didn't bother us...we laughed it off, grubbed and dipped out. When we got back on the road home, it as already pitch to keep us awake and aware, we put on a whole random selection of tunes and rocked out all 110 miles back home to Tempe. It was a short yet sweet vacation that we both desperately needed.

Now, on Saturday morning, I was knocked out. When I say knocked out, I mean, sprawled out on the bed, still and completely satisfied with the dreams playing in my head. My phone goes off at 7:15 AM. Yes, that is right, AM. It's my girl Kayla telling me to get my ass outta bed and get coffee in my system because its Salt River Saturday. Now, she told me the night before that they wanted to get an early start, but everytime we say that we really end up screwing around and not getting out there til about 11:00. So, I figured it would be like any other river trip.....WRONG! I was up in a bikini at 7:30 in the morning. I got Stina off to work and rushed home to get my river stuff ready. Talie came and picked me up and we were on the road to the river to meet my girls for a girls day out and afloat. Needless to say, alcohol was a plenty and we were floating in more ways than one (lol). The river trip was cut a little short for me and Talie, had a little scare, went to the hospital and were there until almost 10 saturday night. All is okay with everyone and's Sunday. I am pink from our sun-fillede salt river experience and have a bottle of lotion attached to my hand, smearing it on my skin every 30 minutes. weekend was awesome. I am lucky to have the good friends that I have.

This weekend was a sneak-peak of what is to come this summer, can't wait :)

1 comment:

  1. get some aloe, it's good for burns or irritated skin.

    and i'll be damned if i'm up at 7-something for the river, i probably would just sleep in my bathing suit because i'm that lazy! ha lmao!

    and your sedona trip looked fun too! =)
