Thursday, May 21, 2009


Today has been a bad day and it JUST started. First of BFI is suuuper sick. Fever,congested,sore throat the works. I got her meds last night and she got a lot of sleep last I was hoping she would be feeling a little bit better when morning came....WRONG. I have never seen her sick like this, because she rarely gets sick...and it came completely out of no where! I got up to get ready for work and got her some steaming hot Theraflu hoping it would soothe her throat. She ended up getting sick and walking down the stairs to rush to her bathroom and throw-up. Needless to say, she is still feeling like shit.

After I her some more meds to knock her out and let her sleep, I hobble** down the stairs to get the car and go to work....key in the ignition...turning and NOTHING! The damn car doesnt start!!!!! I sit there, " Are you fucking kidding me?!!" Again, I find myself having to call work and let them know that I am going to be in late today because the car is not working with me right now. Could be the starter, or the brand new battery we just bought. Shit who knows...
So then I had to hunt down a willing driver to get me to work to work and I am sitting here now...steaming out my ears and tears welling up in my eyes because it seems like I cant catch a damn break.

**hobble: i say hobble because last thursday i had the pleasure of breaking my big toe on my left foot. needless to say its swollen, and beautiful shades of purple on the top and even prettier hues of blue on the bottom.....lovely


  1. i know this really isn't funny but i had to smile when i read it because i know that a month from now it will be funny.

    jai tells me all the time, if it's not gonna matter 5 years from now, don't sweat it! i guess i'm telling you the same!

    and breakfast was goooood!
    i feel bad now, like i should have brought you some. lol

  2. this is true and i think that sometimes....but here and now i am heated lol.

    and uhhh yeh that looked yummmy. and your thorough description didnt help much, made me want it more lol.

  3. aww you were worried about me?? thank you for taking kare of me dr burkes! i want some french toast.
