Needless to say, I am a Laker fan. Not a bandwagon fan, I'm a throwback Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul-jabbar fan. I remember watching old games of them playing on tv or tapes that my dad had in storage. Well my love for the purple and gold has continued all 23 years of my life....and now my boys are back! LA Lakers and the Orlando Magic are set to battle it out tonight for game 1 of the Finals. Best believe I am going to be glued to the tv screen...with drinks, BBQ and screamin' and hollerin' all night for my Lakers. I say the Lakers take the Championship in 6 games. Can't wait to see how it all plays out tonight. Hopefully the refs are fair and dont call bogus fouls/technicals like in the playoffs. LET'S GO LAKERS LETS GO!!!!!
woo!! LAKERS baby!! i cant wait!