its hard to go forward if you keep going backwards, but shit present isn't working out so well. it's not flowing, meshing... whatever! wouldn't it be nice if we could go backwards before going forward sometimes? even if only for a mintue to be reminded of how good things used to be. a kind of "refresher course on love/life/etc. so what if it's not in the right order, i'm really not one to conform all that much with others, i have my own think pattern, so hear me out....
let's take a walk...backwards, as fast as we can. walk - jog - run - sprint!
sprint as fast as you can with me, i'll hold your hand so we end up on the same day in time. time travel with me back to where it all started. you know, back in the day with the nervous, anxious butterflies. The heartbeats racing because we miss each other. those good 'ol days. come on! run faster, back peddle faster...lets "get there"
i want to re-learn you. re-discover your purities, your fears, your strengths. go slow though, so we can take notes and memorize it from the very beginning. "favorite color : red (check) many tattoos : 14 (check)" the easy stuff out of the way, so stop running backwards and lets take a few strides forward...
the part where you told me that you loved me for the first time. the night that our bodies sweat together. the days that we would rush home to be right back in each other's arms...PAUSE
let's live here for a little while....i dont mind being stagnent in this place, it feels good. it feels warm, comfy & cozy. feels like home
no rush to leave, take off our shoes, lean back in this time and allow every cell of our bodies to remember these moments, so that when our time travel expires we can perfectly recreate our better days.
flashing back to the present, quicker than we went back in time, hold on tight. dont lose grip of those memories, clench them in your fists and hold them close to your heart, they are safe there. and now that we have gone back...
allow me to re-introduce myself. Hello, my name is Jessica.
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