Monday, August 31, 2009


(not my actual bike...wish it was though)
i started my new shift today at work, 12 noon to 8:30pm.  it's not bad so far.  i get to wake up and have a relaxing morning, no rushing from bed to shower to closet to work.  it is a more chill, mellow morning.  i took my dogs for a walk, made a good hot pot of coffee.  enjoyed sitting on my couch watching a little tv and then started to get ready for work.  i was trying to figure out what would be most comfy to where to work after riding a bike from my house to my job.  so i searched through my closet and found my black leggings that i love oh so much.  i slipped into them, found a spandex type top and threw on my "Jesus shoes".  i said my goodbyes to the pups and BFI and hauled my bike down 3 flights if stairs.  yes, you read right 3 flights.  and for those of you who don't think it is such a big deal to have a nice bike ride to work, think again.  I live in Arizona...enough said.  from my house to my job its about a 6 mile trip.  and let my also mention that i have not ridden a bike since i was probably 10 years old.  and even though you never forget how, it was an intresting adjustment.  i just start peddling, and it doesn't feel so bad at first.  there is a slight breeze so it isnt unbearable.  i can't help but smile because i am using a cheap and environmental friendly alternative to getting around town.  and then i start to sweat...yuck.  now i am an athlete and have been my entire life.  so sweat isn't something i am a stranger to, but i am going to work here.  i have to be professional, so i started to frown more than smile...and then my ass started to hurt.  not like a good workout hurt, like a OMG my ass is raw from the seat kind of hurt.  but i just kept on pushing and peddling and yessss!  sweet victory!  i made it to work with almost 20 minutes to spare.  those 20 minutes were definately needed to help my body and booty cool down from my 6 mile umm death ride. lol  but it was worth it. 

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