Friday, April 10, 2009


I am feeling....hmm a little to the left today. Not quite sure what it is...I can't blame it on the weather, because it has been refreshing for me. I think that it just might be my state of mind, which I don't really know what that is either right now. So, I guess that I am just at square one. I have caught myself drifting off, getting wrapped up in my thoughts, but I can't really remember what they were. Today passed me by and I felt like a zombie, incapable of feeling, just in a mood of "blahness". Still dealing with writer's block so I can't even escape the doldrums and run free in my imagination. Today felt like forever, and STILL it's only 8:22. I'm just going to sit out on my balcony and maybe the wind will whisk me away...wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. im starting to not believe in "writers block". I mean i do believe sometime it just feels like you dont have any words or the right ones cant be found or somethin buttttttt i also feel like people just feel that way and dont do anythin bout it. I have tried to write before and couldnt get anythin out that sounded worth while buttttt i also feel there are times i just need to write even the shit...spit shit and youll find some treasure in true. maybe last nights dessert or somethin. corn capsules lol. idkkkkk but what im sayin is i feel like writers block can be legit but you should still just write bs and then as the time passes youll be able to twist what you did write and use it in someway later. you know? if you dont know, now you know, you know! lol. ok im being half goofy, 30% critical, and whatever 20 bumper gummed sooooooo peace. just left a comment cuz you shook my thought and now you know my eyes saw your work. we all gotta stop talkin bout the wind takin us away. ----sincerly, MARIA/ROSA
